Location: Charlotte, NC


How can branding help create a historic personality?


For a new restaurant concept in Gastonia, NC, the owners were determined to embrace the historical relevance of the building they were renovating. Originally developed as a movie theatre in 1927, the personality of the space inspired an Art Deco aesthetic, but needed to be revitalized for a modern audience.


Art Deco utilized lavish decoration and gold motifs that surrounded, in part, a population that embraced “living the dream”. This celebration of spending a little something on yourself pairs well with an upscale dining experience in today’s world, so we developed an aesthetic that embraces the past but delivers a modern freshness.


The logo needed to set a tone of sophistication, one that would hint of the elegant personality within the space. For our client, the final logo stood out very quickly and a new classic came to life. The same careful attention to detail was placed onto all of their branded material.

A restaurant’s menu is the most handled element of their branding arsenal. The layout, type choices and design elements all work together to create a functional piece that help define a guest’s experience.


The groundwork has been set and a new icon in the town has been born. As the company gets settled in its own operation, we look to support their efforts and continue to provide solutions that separate this unique restaurant from the pack. We look forward to utilizing the photography by Mike Stricklin of Gaston NC Photo as we approach the web design process.


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